Gag Tank Company

I remember this piece of shit company like it was yesterday.
In 1511, I recently brought an ASUS computer with my own USB drive to save all the Native pornography I downloded. I remember one day I was beating my slim jim to Christopher Columbus so hard that I sprunked all over the screen except there was an advertisement left hanging. It recalls of a free gas tank that included plenty of gags or cliches inside of it that would ultimately lead to the creation of Creepypastas. I decided to buy it because I am a sexy beast with so much money to spend
The delivery boy drove a wagon to my cave. Such a nice fellow he was. He warned me how fragile this big ass tube was and I needed to use it wisely to summon all gags and cliches in this. Otherwise, it was just a collector's item. I don't know shit about collections but I do know you would get profit for doing nothing but using your money to invest on some old dinosaur shit for more money. Pretty dumb idea, I know. There was another knock on my retarded sexy door. I opened it and saw Jęff The Čonqūîstador who wanted to ask me if I had possessed a giant ass dildo shaped tube. I said "fuck off before I pop your fucking head with my retarded bow and arrow"